Pledge to be a Wildlife Voter

The next President and Congress face critical decisions for wildlife conservation. Already, nearly one out of every three U.S. species is considered at-risk, and many wildlife populations are in decline and rapidly losing vital habitat. Unless action is taken soon, many of these animals will fade away forever.
Elected officials make decisions every day that can help (or harm) the places where wildlife and people live—especially when it comes to conservation issues such as:
Confronting climate change. Severe heat waves, forest fires, floods, droughts, sea level rise, and ocean acidification driven by a changing climate are stressing wildlife, habitats, and people. Our elected officials must come together and act on a climate agenda that protects both communities and wildlife.
Funding wildlife recovery. State wildlife agencies have identified some 12,000 species that are in urgent need of conservation efforts. If passed by Congress, Recovering America's Wildlife Act could help prevent thousands of species from being listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act—a huge payoff.
Ensuring clean water. Fish, wildlife, and people have a critical need for clean, abundant water. But recent court decisions gutted crucial protections for streams, wetlands, and other waterways. We need leaders who will stand up and fight back to stop the destruction and pollution of our waterways.
You can help wildlife win this Election Day by voting for candidates who are climate champions, support investments in the recovery and protection of our vulnerable species, and who will fight to stop the degradation and pollution of our air, lands, and waters.
Pledge to vote for local, state, and national candidates who will stand with wildlife and our natural world by signing this petition.
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