Help dogs like Kittu get the help they desperately need

On the streets of India, dogs are hated like the plague. This discrimination makes people believe that street dogs are non-adoptable. Through some miracles, however, street dogs find a way to survive.

Currently, there are 79.9M total homeless companion animals - 9.1M street/stray cats and 62M street/stray dogs. 85% of companion animals in India are homeless. Kittu was one of them.

On November 22nd, 2019, Ujwala Chintala, the founder of Stray Animal Foundation of India, flew to Hyderabad, India to help as many stray dogs as possible with food and medication. She soon came across an emaciated dog, who couldn't use its left hind leg and had enlarged breasts. Limping over to Ujwala, it was clear that this dog desperately needed help. After feeding the dog, now named Kittu, Ujwala took the dog back to the house and sought veterinary help.

Kittu was taken to a clinic, where the vet broke the news that she had a severely broken leg. In fact, it was completely shattered and had swollen pus-filled abscesses on her breasts.

After 10 days of care, Ujwala decided to take Kittu to the United States to live a healthy, happier life. Before her trip to the United States, she had her mammary abscess drained and she weighed around 3lb less. She began to walk within a day and had more and more energy every hour.

On December 24th, Kittu joined two other rescued dogs, Chochori, and Posto, who had been hit by a bus when they were one month old, and the three of them arrived in Florida. Once settled in, Kittu had bone plates inserted and is now able to comfortably use all 4 legs. In April of 2020, Kittu found her forever home!

While these dogs may have escaped a horrible fate, not every dog is this lucky. Countless dogs face these struggles every single day. Sign to support the rescue and rehabilitation of dogs like Kittu.
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