Quavo, part of the 3-member hip hop group Migos, is one of the biggest names in rap. His albums have earned him millions. And with that money, he has done some big spending: diamond grills, expensive watches, and fast cars. He often flashes his bling and other possessions on his Instagram for his 12 million fawning followers.
But when he uploaded a video of his latest purchase, his fans weren't too happy. In the video, the rapper revealed his new pet —
an enormous white tiger named Cho. Aside from the fact that it's cruel to keep wild animals in captivity, it's also extremely dangerous. Wild animals like tigers can never truly be tame and have the ability to inflict serious harm, even death. So no matter how much you think your "pet" loves you, you never know when it might turn on you.
There are countless stories of escaped big cats that have killed their owners or innocent bystanders. In other cases, escaped big cats have had to be put down by law enforcement to protect the public. The bottom line is that these animals deserve to be in the wild, not in a cage, in a house or in your backyard. Unfortunately, this Cho will never be truly wild again, but he can have a chance at a life that doesn't require him to be locked in a cage in a music studio or in a mansion basement.
Let's call on Quavo to do the right thing and ask him to hand over his "pet" tiger to a reputable sanctuary.