Remembering the Father of the Nation Mahatama Gandhi Quote
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
But in reality the veterinary care for animals is becoming a distinct dream in india.
Although some states had provided state animal ambulances they only work for restricted hours.
Several animals especially stray dogs are dying on the road due to lack of Mobile Ambulance and Veterinary care .
The animal birth control ABC was not properly implemented in India except in few states As a result dog population is increasing every where, This results in Human and Dog conflict , as people are killing the stray dogs but not thinking about the animal birth control and anti rabbies vaccination. As stated by WHO ,killing of Stray dogs is not the solution rather than succesful implementation of Animal Birth Control will reduce the Dog population
How to address this problems ?
1) By providing a dedicated animal ambulances with 24 hours service this could save a lot of animals life especially stray animals
2) Upgradation of existing veterinary clinic in every village to Veterinary Poly clinics and there by improvising the Veterinary facilities and the availability of necessary Veterinary medicines this could benefit cattle farmers and sheep owners
3) Establishment of Veterinary superspeciality hospitals in every district head quarters of the states And there by Modernizing the way it is organized
2) Establishing an Independent Animal Birth Control ABC Units for each town and panchyats in India ,thereby involving animal actvisits, animal welfare organizations , Final year veterinary students there by creating awareness in public about the Animal birth control ABC and the need for ABC and the necessity of rabbies vaccination
3) Conducting Mass Sterilizations and Mass Rabbies Campaigns every quarterly in a year this could not only reduce the dog population and moreover it also reduces the human and dog conflict