The Trump EPA's Dirty Power Scam is a Threat to Children's Health
The Trump Environmental Protection Agency proposes to "replace" the Clean Power Plan, America's only plan to curb the impacts of climate pollution from dirty sources like coal power plants.
At a time when the impacts of climate change on our families and communities have never been more obvious, the Trump Administration is turning its back on reality. Every day Americans are living with these impacts: severe wildfires, extreme flooding, and devastating super-storms. This proposal would only make climate change worse.
Nobody voted to make America dirty again — send your message to Acting Administrator Wheeler now.
Parents demand a Clean Power Plan that protects children's health
Dear Acting Administrator Wheeler,
As a parent, I am deeply concerned by the EPA's proposal to replace the Clean Power Plan. Instead of addressing and curbing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from power plants, this proposal gives polluters a free pass to keep endangering our children's health and future.
Millions of children in the United States are already suffering from asthma at record rates and climate change will make asthma worse. It will increase risk of heart and lung complications for children, the elderly, and all Americans.
The EPA has a responsibility to protect our families and communities from the grave threat of climate change. This proposal to replace America's Clean Power Plan is a dangerous reversal that threatens the health and future of America's children.
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