Petition Target: Miami SeaAquarium
Lolita, the oldest killer whale in captivity, has been living at the Miami Seaquarium in a very small tank, all alone, for too long! It's time she was given a better home! For thirty of her thirty-six years, Lolita has been trapped in her fishbowl and her only friend is an inflatable orca floaty toy. Since she has been forced to live in this horrible place for so long, even trying to release her to the wild again would be almost impossible, however, she does deserve a better location, improved facilities and an opportunity to be amongst animals of her kind.
Lolita deserves to live her final years of life in a better place. If Lolita cannot be released to the wild again, Lolita at least should be allowed to live at a larger park, like a Seaworld park, where she will live in a larger tank with other orcas. Doesn't she AT LEAST deserve that?
Lolita has been living alone in these unbearable conditions for too long! It's time she had a better home....
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Petition Target: Miami SeaAquarium
We, the undersigned, urge you to create a larger facility for Lolita with other animals of her kind, or give her to a larger sea park who can provide the kind of home that she deserves.
Lolita has been living in her very small tank, all alone, for too long! It's time she was given a better home! For thirty of her thirty-six years, Lolita has been trapped in her fishbowl and her only friend is an inflatable orca floaty toy. Since she has been forced to live in this horrible place for so long, even trying to release her to the wild again would be impossible. Still, she does deserve a better location, improved facilities and an opportunity to be among animals of her kind.
Lolita deserves to live her final years of life in a better place. If Lolita cannot be released to the wild again, let her, at least, live at a larger park, like a Seaworld park, where she will live in a larger tank with other orcas. Doesn't she deserve that?
We think that she does!
The Undersigned.
Lolita has been living alone in these unbearable conditions for too long! It's time she had a better home....