Millions of donkeys are being slaughtered for their skin. Tell Amazon to stop the sale of products with ejiao!

The worst thing that any animal can have is a body part that is worth money.
In 2016, 4.8 million donkeys were slaughtered, and skinned for the gelatin under their skin. There is NO scientific evidence of any human medical benefit. None.
Once only used as a Chinese medicine, it is now booming in popularity for use in beauty and cosmetic products. It is projected that 2025 will see 8 million donkeys raised, slaughtered and skinned for this single purpose.
The sale of ejiao to the U.S. consumer is supported by Amazon. A simple search on Amazon for "ejiao" leads to several snacks, candy, cakes, and more. Since these products are being offered online and purchased by consumers, the slaughter continues.
Donkeys who fall victim to this industry experience immense suffering. They are shoved into crowded trucks and typically face appalling transport conditions without water, food, or rest en route to slaughter - all so the gelatin under their skin can be used in snacks and beauty products.
The US Congress tried passing a bill (HR 5203 117th), to stop the export of donkeys for this purpose, but it failed to reach a floor vote, which is why we need your help.
By offering the sale of ejiao, companies like Amazon are supporting this cruel industry and the slaughter of donkeys, just for the gel under their skin. There is NO known medical use and NO reason for this cruel industry to continue.
Amazon has the opportunity to use their power and influence to not only highlight the ethical problems with selling ejiao, but create positive change for donkeys and families across the globe.
Sign this petition and tell Amazon to stop selling products with ejiao, and stop supporting the unnecessary slaughter of donkeys!
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