Save the lives of animals. Give Municipalities wildlife co-existence training!
- by: The Fur-Bearers
- recipient: BC Ministries of Environment, and Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
There was no way for the little beaver kit to know that the posts along the dam that appeared one day weren't put there by his hard-working parents. He swam in and out of them for days, until one morning, he couldn't get back out. His family couldn't help him. Soon the little beaver perished.
This is a true story. Municipal workers attempted to block access to a dam an active beaver family was building. The plan was flawed, and one beaver kit did die, unable to escape from a metal grate.
The responsibilities related to co-existence with wildlife have been shifted from the province to municipalities, many of whom don't have experience or training. We want the BC Ministries of Environment, and Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development to provide funding to municipalities to achieve training in wildlife co-existence methods, as well as public education initiatives to demonstrate the success of non-lethal methods.
We can co-exist with wildlife. Please sign the petition and urge our leaders to provide municipalities with the training they need to prevent more tragic losses.
Dear Ministers,
Please immediately begin providing funding to municipalities in British Columbia that will allow for them to train in proven co-existence methods for preventing wildlife conflict, such as the use of beaver dam flow devices and exclusion fencing and coyote hazing. Funding for education to residents should also be made available so that appropriate information can be distributed to prevent conflict from occurring with British Columbia's many native species.
Too many animals die every year because of conflict that was entirely preventable, but not a priority from underfunded municipalities or a disinterested provincial government.
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