The Himalayan bear at Islamabad zoo had died in July 2018 and has been replaced with a new bear !!!! for years visitors and activists raised concern for the Himalayan bear to be shifted to a sanctuary.
Please sign this petition this new bear should be sent to a sanctuary this bear has rights and living in the same conditions !
The condition that the female bear lived in were extremely cruel and disturbing:
- View Clip of the bear
- The bear lived in a concrete enclosure in the ground circular that resembled a well below ground (the bear could only look up and see the sky)
- Kept in complete isolation alone / weaving back and forward
- No grass, No water, No enrichment
- Safety Issues / Visitors would stone the bear throw garbage & bottles in the enclosure
Bears aren't used to being confined and crammed into an enclosure. Swaying in bears or pacing and moving their head from side to side are abnormal behaviours. This bear was deeply disturbed a term called zoochosis.
The administration control of Islamabad zoo was changed in (2016) from Capital Development Authority (CDA) to Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI). It's the duty of government to promote conservation by framing strict laws regarding these animals, but they continue to suffer. The bear died, sending out a clear message that the animals continue to suffer and that authorities are taking no interest in ensuring that there are proper facilities or care provided to animals.
Himalyan bears are found in North Pakistan and considered to be critically endangered and facing extinction. The lack of awareness of Islamabad zoo administrator's, who are ignoring the bears' ecological and social importance, is making things worse.
There are no laws in Pakistan to protect animals in captivity. We must ask for the framing of strict laws regarding the issues below:
Pakistan Zoos Need To Establish:
· Laws for Captive Held Animals
· Management Of Zoos
· Training Staff
· Animal Welfare Issues
It's about time Islamabad Zoo administrators understand how to care for wild animals
Team Kaavan /Animal Welfare Worldwide
Denise Coenraadts, Diana Munoz, Anika Sleem, Umm E. Kulsoom, Umer Inam
#HimalayanBear #Bear #TeamKaavan #IslamabadZoo #CaptivityKills #AnimalWelfareWorldWide #Pakistan #AnimalRights #Islamabad
Update #54 years ago
We have now learned as of April 15,2020
The government has made the Ministry of Climate Change responsible for Islamabad Zoo.
Update #45 years ago
News is circulating Save the Himalayan brown bear at Islamabad zoo
Social Media platforms are demanding why an injured bear was on display, & and since then the bear has been placed in a squeeze cage for days in agonizing pain lying lifeless videos are circulating social media platforms begging the government to step in
Update #35 years ago
There has been an out pour of concern for the Bear at Islamabad zoo who is nursing an open wound on his foot, possibly maggot infested
Update #26 years ago
The Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) has conditionally decided to release Kavaan, the lone elephant at Marghazar Zoo, if an international charity organisation ( Free The Wild ) provides help for up gradation of the zoo talks between the MCI, Marghazar Zoo and the international charity organisation had been going on for months.
Update #16 years ago
Islamabad 19/11/2018: Following a number of high level discussions, with the Pakistan Government, Free The Wild (a charitable trust formed by multi award winning singer and actress Cher, and her friends Mark and Gina Cowne & Team Kaavan a significant meeting was held with Minister Fawad Hussain Chaudhry to discuss the Islamabad Zoo ( copy paste link to view )