prohibit the activities of the Kharkiv Communist Party "CENTER FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANIMALS" for the slaughter of homeless animals throughout the territory of Ukraine
In the whole Ukraine, there is no shame in the single European practice of controlling the number of homeless animals and the registration of domestic animals. Where at the legislative level are issues related to animal handling, mandatory vaccination, sterilization and registration of domestic animals, as well as the prohibition of abandonment of animals on the street and the active promotion of humane treatment of animals.
According to the reports of the State Medical Veterinary Medicine of Kharkiv, in 2013, 63 tons of dogs and cats were taken to the Kupyansky Recycling Plant from the Center for Animal Husbandry, in the year 2014 - 66 tons. Assuming that the weight of one dog ranges from 12 to 15 kg, it turns out that on this conveyor of deaths killed about 5 thousand animals.
It's only two years! They work through individual entrepreneurs who, without permission, carry out the transport and transport of animals. For several years they have been destroying animals in other areas, endangering the epidemiological situation throughout Ukraine through the artificial migration of animals. All of this is financed from the budget for taxpayers' money. And this at a time when all Ukraine is struggling with rabies and other diseases that are transmitted by animals.
We require:
1. To prohibit the activities of the Kharkiv Communist Party "CENTER FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANIMALS" for the slaughter of homeless animals throughout the territory of Ukraine
2. To conduct an independent investigation into the activities of the Kharkiv Communist Party "CENTER FOR ANIMALS".
3. To introduce across the territory of Ukraine the European practice of regulating the control of the number of homeless animals solely by methods of sterilization and registration of domestic animals.
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