Tell Colorado's Oil & Gas Conservation Commission: It's time to crack down on flaring natural gas!

Colorado was the first state to directly regulate the dangerous climate pollution spewing from oil & gas operations — but the state's oversight of venting and flaring has not kept pace.
Colorado's proposed regulations on flaring — a process in which operators simply burn off natural gas causing methane, CO2 and other pollutants to be emitted into the air — are simply not strong enough.
More than $12 million worth of Colorado natural gas resources are vented and flared off at wellsites across the state every year, wasting valuable resources and polluting our air — putting communities at risk and dialing up the climate crisis.
Colorado can end routine flaring by enacting simple and commonsense requirements such as gas capture planning and limiting venting and flaring to emergency situations.
Take action now to urge COGCC to prohibit routine flaring from new and existing wells and prevent reckless air pollution.
I am writing today to request that Colorado continue its tradition of leadership in cutting methane pollution by enacting a strict prohibition on routine flaring and a flat prohibition on venting at all times for both new and existing wells.
This action would protect public health and the environment. Flaring emissions contain methane CO2 and other toxic air pollutants that harm communities while contributing to climate change and regional haze.
Plus, cutting flaring makes good economic sense. About $12 million worth of valuable Colorado natural gas resources are vented or flared at the wellsite every year.
SB 181 directs the COGCC to regulate in a way that protects public health, safety, welfare, the environment, and wildlife -- while minimizing waste. Enacting strong restrictions on venting and flaring for both new and existing wells accomplishes all of these goals.
Colorado's communities are counting on your leadership.
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