Dangerously high fishing limits and wasteful discarding of fish are destroying our fish stocks and threaten the communities that rely on them. Help us to put this right.
EU Member States have already signed up to a law designed to end overfishing, but they're failing to honour their obligations to enforce this law. This is a disaster for our fish stocks, marine environment, and the fishing communities that rely on them.
This year we have a number of important opportunities to end overfishing, but we need your help to convince politicians to do the right thing. Will you sign our petition, demanding that your country's fisheries minister takes action to end overfishing?
Please sign our petition today.
I call on all Fisheries Ministers of EU Member States to put an end to overfishing.
I would like to remind you of the commitment you made to end overfishing by 2015, or 2020 at the latest, under the Common Fisheries Policy.
To achieve this we urge you to:
Ensure that all Total Allowable Catches set in 2018 follow scientific advice and do not exceed Maximum Sustainable Yield;
Allocate more quota to fishers that have the lowest environmental impact and are complying with the law;
Implement both the landing obligation and full documentation of all fisheries in order to eliminate discards - that your country signed up to - including the adoption of Remote Electronic Monitoring.