Protect gray wolves from extinction!

Gray wolves will be thrust back onto the brink of extinction if the U.S. Department of the Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service's proposition is allowed to stand.
The Department intends to delist gray wolves in the contiguous 48 states from the Endangered Species Act, removing the crucial protections they currently have under the law.
This political move jeopardizes wolves nationwide and would pave the way for trophy hunting of wolves in states where the ESA currently protects them, such as Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Oregon. Further, it hinders the possibility of wolves returning to other states where there is suitable habitat.
The last time wolves in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin lost federal ESA protections, nearly 1,500 of them were killed in just three seasons — many were pups. This proposed rule is scientifically unsound and politically motivated. Will you sit by while another species goes extinct?
We need your voice to oppose this misguided proposal. Without opposition, legislators will push this through and put the nation's gray wolf population at critical risk.
Please join the fight using the form below, and tell the Department of the Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service that you oppose their proposal to delist gray wolves from the ESA.
Subject: Please keep gray wolves listed under the ESA
Dear U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
I oppose the proposed rule to delist gray wolves in the contiguous 48 states from the Endangered Species Act. Removing ESA protections now would jeopardize the fragile recovery that wolves have only just begun after having been hunted to near-extinction. It would also expose imperiled populations to the horrors of trophy hunting and trapping.
[Your comment] I, like most of the American public, greatly value wolves. They are an iconic American species and a crucial element in healthy ecosystems.
[Your Name]
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