Stop Ringling Bros.' Expansion Near New York City - No Animal Abuse!

  • by: PETA Philippines
  • recipient: New York City Officials and Taconic Investments' CEO
New York City officials recently announced that the notorious elephant abusers at Ringling Bros. Circus will be at Coney Island for several months this summer thanks to a land donation from Taconic Investments.

PETA has contacted the city and Taconic to let them know of Ringling's lengthy history of animal abuse and numerous eyewitness accounts of abuse from previous Ringling employees, but they refuse to sever ties with the animal-abusing act.

Send a message to New York City officials and Taconic Investments' CEO letting them know that you'll be crossing Coney Island off your destination list as long as it's the home of animal abusers!
Dear [Decision maker],

I am shocked and disheartened to see that the city will permit Ringling Bros. to set up a circus this summer on Coney Island. By allowing these performances, Taconic Investments and the city are endorsing an enterprise that routinely abuses animals. I refuse to patronize any business on Coney Island as long as the circus is there.

The circus rips baby elephants away from their mothers and forces them into a life of pain, humiliation and loneliness. Animals used in the circus are beaten with bullhooks, whipped and shocked with electric prods to force them to perform physically painful and confusing tricks. Animals are denied the fulfillment of all their natural instincts. This outdated circus with its routine animal abuse is not welcome on Coney Island.

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