Trump just ripped apart the Endangered Species Act. Stop the war on endangered species!

Trump just ripped apart the Endangered Species Act.
His goal? Eviscerate the Act so much that corporate polluters will be able to bulldoze, mine, drill, log and destroy some of the last remaining habitat for endangered species in the country.
Take action right now to tell your member of Congress to stand up to Trump's gutting of the Endangered Species Act. We can stop this disaster but it has to start with the U.S. House of Representatives. Add your name to our petition.
Here's what at stake: Over the past four decades, the Endangered Species Act has become the single-most important law for saving thousands of animals and plants from extinction. It's the reason that we still have grizzly bears, wolves, sea turtles and bald eagles around today.
Trump doesn't care about any of that. His rollback of the Act guts protection for hundreds of species, throws up deadly roadblocks for protecting their last habitat and will make it so much easier to allow bears, lynx, wolves and other animals to be killed in traps or shot during trophy hunts.
It's utter madness — and we can't let it happen.
Take 30 seconds right now to add your name to our petition to tell Congress to fight Trump's nightmare attack on America's endangered species. This is a do-or-die moment for saving the Endangered Species Act. Speak up for bears, wolves, turtles and every living thing that depends on this incredible law for its survival. This is a historic moment and they're counting on us to do the right thing.
The Trump administration's decision to eviscerate the Endangered Species Act is an appalling attack on America's wildlife. The changes made will severely weaken protections for thousands of threatened and endangered species across the country. For animals like wolverines and monarch butterflies, this could be the beginning of the end.
The American public broadly supports the Act because it is the single-most important law for saving thousands of animals and plants from extinction. It's the reason that we still have grizzly bears, wolves, sea turtles and bald eagles around today.
We demand you reverse this decision immediately through Congressional legislation. When species go extinct, they are gone forever. But you can still reverse this outrageous decision before it's too late.
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