This Apologist for Serial Rapists and Domestic Abusers Wants to Be the Next Governor of North Carolina. We Can't Let That Happen.

"Sacrificial lambs" who've been "slaughtered" and "smeared." Whatever you think this is referring to, you probably guessed wrong.

This is what the Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, Mark Robinson, said to defend and praise multiple serial sexual abusers, including Harvey Weinstein, Brett Kavanaugh, and Bill Cosby. Yet the Republican party is still pushing him as their nominee.

Sign the petition to urge North Carolina voters not to elect this man as their next governor!

Robinson has spent years speaking out in support of overtly abusive men, including an NFL player named Ray Rice who was caught on camera punching his fiancée and then dragging her - unconscious - out of an elevator. What did Robinson have to say about this situation? He implied the woman had deserved the "a$$whoopin'," and liked a commenter's reply that read: "my mom taught us,dumb enough to hit a man,dumb enough to get hit back."

He has repeatedly questioned whether domestic violence and sexual assault are real concepts, at one point writing on Twitter: "So if someone beats the bird dog hell of their spouse at the mall.... is it still 'Domestic Violence?'"

In 2022, he spoke in front of a church congregation and declared that women were never meant to be leaders, saying church-goers are "called to be led by men!" He justified this by saying, when "it was time to face down Goliath... [God] sent David, not Davita."

When someone has such explicitly misogynistic attitudes to the point where they are sympathetic to proven serial rapists and domestic violence perpetrators, they do not belong anywhere near the ballot box.

Sign the petition to plead with North Carolina voters: please do not elect this apologist for abusers! Do not elect Mark Robinson as governor!

Photo of Mark Robinson at a campaign rally courtesy of Anthony Crider on Flickr.
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