The UK Is Allowing Dangerous Doctors and Nurses With Sexual Abuse Allegations, Including Rape, to Work Unrestricted

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Professional Standards Authority (PSA)
Did you know that hundreds of doctors and nurses in the UK have been allowed to practice despite serious allegations of sexual assault and rape? Hospitals, doctors' offices, and health facilities are places where some of society's most vulnerable people are found -- those in need of care, compassion, and support. But regulatory bodies in the UK are allowing dangerous professionals to practice in these spaces essentially unchecked.

Sign the petition to demand that these UK regulators re-commit to keeping patients and staff truly safe from sexual crimes!

Between 2018 and 2024, nearly 250 doctors faced allegations of rape, sexual assault, or attempted rape without their licenses being suspended. Nearly a dozen of these doctors were found with inappropriate images of kids; zero restrictions were placed on their practicing.

Similarly, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) allowed over 400 nurses with sexual offense allegations to continue practicing.

Take the case of James Gilbert, a surgeon who recently received only an eight-month suspension for sexually harassing and inappropriately touching female colleagues for over a decade. Despite clear evidence of continued and serious misconduct, his suspension was minimal, and there is little evidence that he won't be stopped from going back to work completely unrestricted after his suspension.

The handling of this surgeon's disturbing behavior is terrifyingly normal in the UK medical world. The GMC and NMC have completely failed in their commitment to protecting vulnerable patients and ensuring a safe working environment for healthcare professionals.

It is time for the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), regulator of both the GMC and the NMC, to intervene. We demand that the PSA conduct a thorough investigation into these institutions' practices when it comes to sexual misconduct and enforce a comprehensive overhaul. Medical professionals accused of such serious offenses must no longer be protected more than their past or potential victims.

Join us in demanding justice. Sign the petition to urge the PSA to hold the GMC and NMC accountable and implement rigorous measures to prevent dangerous individuals from practicing and harming others! The safety and dignity of patients and healthcare staff depend on it.
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