Speak Out Against Cruelty to Sick and Injured Farm Animals!
Every year, hundreds of thousands of animals who are sick, weak, and unable to walk or stand — a.k.a. "downers" — are slaughtered for human food. You can help bring this cruelty to an end!
In 2016, the U.S. Department of Agriculture extended the rule banning the slaughter of sick and injured adult cattle to include downed calves — but it still left other farm animals unprotected.
Tell President Trump and the USDA to extend the ban on the slaughter of sick and injured cattle to include pigs, goats, sheep, and other farm animals. It's time to end this abuse!
Dear President Trump and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue,
Each year, thousands of pigs and other farm animals are pushed beyond their physical limits by intensive farming practices, becoming what the industry calls "downed." These vulnerable animals are often beaten, dragged by their ears or tails, pushed with forklifts, and shocked with electric prods to get them onto the kill floor so they can be slaughtered for profit.
Other downed animals are tossed aside like garbage or abandoned to die alone on cold cement floors.
No animal should suffer like this.Please direct the U.S. Department of Agriculture to extend the federal ban on the slaughter of downed cattle to include pigs, goats, sheep, and all animals who are so sick or injured that they can't even stand or walk. Thank you for taking urgent action on this serious matter.
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