If you haven't had enough of guns in light of recent events, then head to Neosho, Missouri where for just 5 bucks, you can buy a chance to win the deadly AR-15. The AR-15 has made headlines in recent days because it was the tool of choice of the Parkland school shooter on February 14th of this year.
But that is not the worst part. This isn't a raffle put on by the NRA, instead, it's the brainchild of a 9-and-under baseball coach and a player's father. That's right, you read correctly, third graders are selling raffle tickets for an AR-15 to raise money for their baseball team!
This is the same gun with which a 19-year-old man massacred 17 innocent kids at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Now, two men in Neosho are helping kids sell a gun that has the potential to murder many more.
This raffle is not only distasteful it is irresponsible. What message does it send to the children helping to sell tickets for this weapon of mass murder, especially after a tragedy like the one in Parkland.
America needs fewer guns on the streets not more, and we certainly don't need them being raffled away as prizes for a fundraiser for a children's' baseball team.
Please add your name and ask Coach Levi Patterson and Black Rain Ordnance Inc. to cancel the raffle now.