Save the world's tallest flowering trees. Create the Great Forest National Park!

In the central highlands of Victoria, unique and beautiful mountain ash trees cloak the landscape.
Part of the life-giving Great Dividing Range, these magnificent forests are the lungs of our land. Their hollows are home to critically endangered Leadbeater's Possums and Greater Gliders.
But right now, logging companies are clear-felling these forests – knocking down tree after tree to make copy paper. Our environmental laws are not strong enough to stop them.
But, by creating the Great Forest National Park these spectacular trees and the wildlife that rely on them can be saved. This new park will help protect critically endangered wildlife, our precious water catchments and carbon stores and create a wonderful natural playground just an hour from the city.
Sign the petition and ask Premier Daniel Andrews to create the Great Forest National Park and connect and protect 355,000 hectares of tall mountain ash forests in the Central Highlands of Victoria.
Authorised by Kelly O'Shanassy ACF, 1/60 Leicester St, Carlton, Vic, 3053
Subject: Please create the Great Forest National Park
Dear Premier,
CC: Treasurer, Environment Minister and Agriculture Minister,
The forests of Victoria's Great Dividing Range are an essential source of life. They filter the water we drink and the air we breathe, and are a haven for critically endangered wildlife like the Leadbeater's Possum.
Yet all along the Range, magnificent forests continue to fall. Valued only for their fibre, our forests are being clear-felled, wood-chipped, bulldozed and burnt.
We have a historic opportunity to secure the future of our forests, your leadership is needed to create the Great Forest National Park and to safeguard Victoria's precious forests.
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