“They stole the joy of our return to the land and planted death” – Demand Congress support landmine clearance to save lives

"They stole the joy of our return to the land and planted death," says one Syrian civilian returning to their home and then finding their garden littered with explosives leftover from war.

In Syria, there have been over 640 casualties from explosive remnants of war since December as tens of thousands of civilians return to their homes after more than a decade of war.

In Ukraine, an estimated one third of the country remains contaminated with landmines and other explosives. In the Solomon Islands, unexploded bombs from World War II continue to haunt communities and endanger lives.

With an unprecedented scale of conflict and explosive contamination threatening families worldwide, the need to eliminate the threat of landmines and other explosives has never been more critical. These explosives threaten millions of innocent lives worldwide and compound the impacts of war by disrupting livelihoods and jeopardizing food security.

Tell Congress: Support demining programs that let families return to their homes and save lives!
Subject: Support Global Demining in FY26 Budget

Dear Representative/Senator,

As your constituent and a supporter of The HALO Trust, I am calling on you to support $290m of funding in the FY26 SFOPS/NSRP budget for the State Department's Conventional Weapons Destruction (CWD) programs. CWD programs address the humanitarian impacts of landmines, IEDs, and other explosive remnants of war and combat the illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons systems.

CWD programs, currently under review by the State Department, are an important tool that make American safer, stronger, and more prosperous. These programs remove explosive hazards that threaten U.S. troops, Embassy staff, and other Americans in conflict areas, while providing safety for local civilians. CWD weapons security programs keep weapons away from terrorist organizations that might target the U.S. or allies, and criminal gangs who operate across borders, fuel violence, and drive migration. CWD programs make America stronger by building security partnerships in regions where the U.S. is competing with China for access and influence, as deminers provide a direct benefit to local populations while wearing highly visible U.S. flags on their body armor. Further, demining efforts lower the price of food for families in America by clearing landmines from agricultural fields and transform aid-dependent countries into markets for American companies.

Landmines and other explosive remnants of war threaten global stability and U.S. national security and economic interests, and I am deeply concerned about the consequences of allowing landmines to remain in the ground. The United States must continue to be a leader in demining and related programs.

It is essential that Congress includes no less than $290 million for the life-saving State Department Conventional Weapons Destruction in the SFOPS/NSRP budget. For House Members, please also join the Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)/Demining Caucus by contacting Emma with the office of Rep. Chrissy Houlahan or Olivia with Rep. David Valadao.

This support is necessary to keep civilians safe worldwide, prevent dangerous weapons from falling into the hands of terrorist and criminal groups, and promote U.S. leadership in countries of strategic national importance. I hope to see your vocal support for demining and related programs throughout the appropriations process.

Thank you for your leadership on this important issue.

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