Please Ban All Unnecessary Use of Rodent Poison and Lethal Traps!!!!!!! Please Require Humane, Non-Lethal Alternatives for Control and Prevention Instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • by: Victoria Salter
  • recipient: Pest Control companies, UK Government, US Government, Australian Government, New Zealand Government, Irish Government, European Union, other Governments

As an animal rights person (with rats being among my favourite animals), I am opposed to the unnecessary use of lethal methods when controlling these poor creatures. It is wrong to deliberately kill any sentient beings unnecessarily...
Rats and mice are misunderstood. Rats are actually very intelligent animals who have even been known to show compassion and refuse treats to help other rats. Domesticated rats can be very affectionate, friendly, intelligent and surprisingly clean companions. Rats and mice are well-loved by their people. Yet their wild counterparts are killed unnecessarily, often in cruel ways.
The use of glue traps is very inhumane. The poor rodents get stuck, become very distressed and die slowly of suffocation, starvation (mice have high metabolism), dehydration or by being killed by a person. They may chew off limbs and/or hunks of hair trying to get free. They may even by tossed into the bin, alive and suffering.
The use of poison is also very inhumane. Rodents are enticed to eat the bait, which thins their blood, causes them to bleed from the mouth and basically turns their insides into a soup. They suffer and can take three days or more before they die in agony.
Even the use of more "humane" snap-traps still takes their lives, perhaps unnecessarily.
Rodents have feelings and families, too. They have rights.
There are more humane alternatives for rodent control and prevention, such as:
* The use of humane, non-lethal cage traps.
*The use of repellents.
* Keeping food that is not being used stored away properly and cleaning homes, barns, buildings, businesses, outside areas and other places clean and tidy.
* Keep dustbins, garbage cans, compost bins, etc. tightly secured. Keep the lids on tightly.
* Secure your home/building from rodents by filling and fixing any potential rodent-sized entrances.
* Use electronic mouse and rat repellents.
Yes, rodents may carry diseases, but here are some nonviolent ways to prevent you and all the other humans and animals in your household, those who will be visiting and/or going to the place where the rodents are:
* Make a rule against handling the rodents, whether dead or alive, without rubber gloves, hand sanitizer and washing your hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial, disinfectant soap. Please don't handle the rodents without doing it safely.
* Wash your hands with antibacterial, disinfectant soap after handling animals and animal products.
* Clean wounds as soon as possible.
* Cover cuts and grazes with waterproof plasters.
* Wear protective clothing if you're at risk with your job, hobby/hobbies and/or lifestyle.
* Shower as soon as possible if you've potentially been in contact with infected water.
* Make sure any dogs, cats and other animals whom you are often in contact with have had all necessary vaccinations properly.
* Remove rodents in a humane, non-lethal way and disinfect the areas that they were with bleach and water.
* Spray dead rodents with disinfectant and burn the bodies (after making sure that they are definitely, 100% dead and finished!)
* Make sure that you, your household (especially children and young people) and anyone visiting and/or using your home/building/place all stay up-to-date with all appropriate vaccinations.
* See a proper, fully-trained doctor/s ASAP if you or anyone you experience any potential symptoms. Do everything that you can (compassionately, safely and legally) to ensure that anyone whom you know or know of (whether human or nonhuman) seeks proper medical treatment by a fully-trained doctor/s or veterinarian/s if they experience any potential symptoms.
Please ban all unnecessary of rodent poison and lethal traps!!!!!!

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