Approximately 8,000 animals, including dogs and monkeys, died at a medical school in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. This tragedy could have been prevented if the school had well-formed disaster management plans and employees had known what to do when an emergency occurred.
The abandonment of animals in disaster zones affects animals and people alike. Whether it's wildfires in the West, hurricanes on the Gulf Coast or tornadoes in the Midwest, natural disasters are on the rise--and local first responders and non-governmental organizations often end up assuming the risk and expense of rescuing the animals who are left behind.
We now have the opportunity to change that!
Congress is currently considering the Providing Responsible Emergency Plans for Animals at Risk of Emerging Disasters (PREPARED) Act (H.R. 1042), which will require facilities regulated by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) to create detailed response plans. If this legislation passes, many commercial animal breeders, zoos and research institutions, among others, will be required to create proper disaster management plans and educate employees to know how to save animals' lives. The ASPCA strongly supports this legislation and we need your help to ensure it passes.
Take action: Urge your U.S. representative to support the PREPARED Act (H.R. 1042).
SL: Please support and cosponsor the PREPARED Act (H.R. 1042)
Dear Representative,
The recent wildfires in the Western U.S. are a stark reminder of the importance of planning for sudden disasters. As your constituent and a supporter of the ASPCA, I am writing to ask you to cosponsor the Providing Responsible Emergency Plans for Animals at Risk of Emerging Disasters (PREPARED) Act (H.R. 1042), which will protect animals in times of disaster. This bipartisan legislation, introduced by Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV) and Rep. Peter King (R-NY), will require federally regulated commercial facilities such as animal breeders, zoos and research institutions to create plans for protecting animals in their care during emergency or disaster situations.
Lack of preparedness during disasters, both natural and manmade, can have especially devastating effects on animals and the people who risk their own safety to protect them. Local first responders and non-governmental organizations most often bear the expenses and responsibilities related to protecting animals affected by disasters. Animals in institutions are at particular risk.
For example, Hurricane Katrina killed approximately 8,000 animals, including dogs and monkeys, at a medical school in New Orleans. The PREPARED Act will require commercial facilities regulated by the Animal Welfare Act to create plans for protecting animals in their care during disasters – ensuring these animals are protected when disaster strikes.
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