Support Funding To Conserve Land And Outdoor Recreation in Nevada

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is America's most important program to conserve irreplaceable lands and improve outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the nation. However, right now, this vital program is under threat.
Despite being permanently authorized earlier this year, today LWCF remains unfunded.
The program works in partnership with federal, state and local efforts to protect land in our national parks, national wildlife refuges, national forests, national trails, and other public lands; to preserve working forests and ranchlands; to support state and local parks and playgrounds; to preserve battlefields and other historic and cultural sites; and to provide the tools that communities need to meet their diverse conservation and recreation needs.
Nevada has received approximately $104.8 million in LWCF funding over the past five decades. Toiyabe National Forest, Stillwater and Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuges, Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area have all been supported by LWCF. But looking even closer, LWCF funding has supported Sunset Park, Craig Ranch Regional Park, Lorenzi Park, just to name a few.
The need to secure funding from Congress is immense as the Trump administration has proposed cutting LWCF's budget by 95%. Earlier this year, President Trump and Interior Secretary David Bernhardt signed and celebrated a bill to permanently authorize LWCF. Then the following week, they proposed gutting its budget. It is clear the administration is not serious about protecting conservation funding and preserving our public lands and parks.
Send a message to Nevada's Members of Congress calling on them to pass House Bill 3195 securing full and permanent funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund!
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