Tell AG Sessions to Continue Police-Killing Data Collection Mandate for All Agencies, Departments!

  • by: Llowell W
  • recipient: U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions

A new study finds that, in 2015 and 2016, 2,238 people were killed by police in the United States. Researchers' calculations estimate that these fatal encounters accounted for the loss of 112,129 years of life. Unsurprisingly, more than half of those years would have been lived by people of color, despite being less than 40 percent of the U.S. population.

The data used in the study did not come from official statistics, instead relying on independently created databases. And this is a problem: The U.S. government does not know how many of its citizens are dying at the hands of law enforcement officers every year.

Sign the petition if you want this data to be recorded formally so that we can work on solving the problem!

The previous head of the Department of Justice, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, as part of her program to tackle police abuse, mandated that all law enforcement agencies and departments document and report the number of people killed in use-of-force incidents every quarter. Unfortunately, it appears that aside from a preliminary report issued from data on the outset of this reform at the end of 2016, no further data is being collected.

No doubt this is thanks to Jeff Sessions having replaced Lynch. Since taking over the Department of Justice, Sessions has made it clear he has little if any interesting in continuing Lynch's campaign of police reform. And this is unacceptable.

An ailment cannot be remedied if the symptoms are not even identified. It is the same with social issues like the excessive use of force by police in the U.S. This is why it is so important that this data is properly collected and reported.

Tell AG Sessions that it is his duty to see that this program continues with its reforms by adding your name to this petition today!

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