A Kyoto woman has caught holy viral hell since she was caught abusing her dog.
The woman was out taking her 15-year-old Labrador Retriever out on a walk when for some reason she began to kick it in the belly. One passerby saw the abuse and decided to record it. He then uploaded the video on social media and, predictably, people were not happy. The clip was seen by millions of people all around the world and netizens demanded action.
According to the National Police Agency, over the last few years, Japan has experienced an uptick in animal abuse cases. The increase has prompted animal activists to demand harsher penalties for those convicted of animal cruelty.
Yet, while the government stalls on such legislation, activists are taking action by themselves. One woman who saw the viral video decided to do just that. Yukari Kawamura, 39 and leader of the animal rights group Shiyukai in Hiroshima traveled to Kyoto shortly after he was released and asked the woman and her husband to relinquish the dog to her. They did so, and for more than a month the dog has been in the safety of her care.
But now the animal abusers are fighting to get the dog back. The husband tried to excuse their behavior by telling local news that his wife had only kicked the dog to " discipline it" and that she "rarely abuses [it]." Rarely? Rarely is far too often for animal abuse, especially for a senior dog who surely has other health issues.
This couple does not deserve to keep their dog and the Japanese government should ensure that these admitted animal abusers never get their hands on it again.
Sign the petition and tell the government to let Yukari Kawamura keep the poor dog so that he can live the rest of his years free of abuse.