Big cats like lions and tigers are being "factory farmed" for Chinese medicine and canned hunting experiences in
South Africa and China.
Please sign the petition to get these cruel institutions shut down immediately! According to World Animal Protection, China has
6,000 captive big cats at these types of farms. The way these horrible farms work is that
they exploit every moment of a big cat's life and every part of a bid cat's body for profit with no regard to their lives, health or happiness. When the lions are cubs, farm owners dupe well-meaning paying "volunteers" to come and "care" for the cubs. They tell visitors the cubs were orphaned and that once they are old enough they will be released. What they don't tell them is that they will be released into a fenced enclosure where they will quickly meet their demise.
In South Africa, once they are old enough to shoot, wealthy westerners are charged between $13,000 and $55,000 to kill them in enclosed facilities known as a "canned hunt" where the lion never even stands a chance. of getting away. The final disgrace is the fact that after they have been shot, the bones and other body parts are shipped east where they are sold as "medicine" and trinkets.
In China, most fo the farms are explicitly to raise tigers and lions to butcher them for medicine. However, using these animals in medicine has not been proven to be beneficial and there are affordable, non-animal medicines available for the maladies claimed to be cured by this.
Will you help us shut these facilities down right away?