During an emergency, some folks display great humanity by helping out. But corporations are notorious for being heartless in these trying times.
Last year after Hurricane Harvey, one hotel forced two family dogs to spend the night in their family's car.
I don't know about your dog, but mine is terrified of storms and I could never leave him in the car. After public pressure in the form of
this petition, the hotel changed their minds and donated money for the mistake!
At the same time, evacuating is expensive and difficult and coorporations should do what they can to ease that for people.
That's why I'm asking Hyatt Hotels to waive all pet fees to make it easier for people to evacuate and bring their pets along.
Often times during natural disasters, families don't bring their pets with them because they don't know where they will be able to stay or they can't afford it. While this is certainly a horrible choice to make, Hyatt is a huge successful corporation who could make it easier for folks to bring their pets! Hotels should not profit from this tragedy, they should do their best to offset costs and truly be a part of their communities.
Please sign my petition to ask Hyatt Hotels to waive all pet fees and accept pets in all their hotels where evacuees may stay.Right now Hyatt Hotels are only allowing pets and waiving fees on a
case-by-case basis. Let's get them to make it a short-term corporate policy.