Deadline extended! Say NO to the Pebble Mine.
- by: WWF
- recipient: US Army Corps of Engineers
The US Army Corps of Engineers just extended the Pebble Mine public comment period until July 1. Sign our petition to stop the Pebble Mine NOW.
The Pebble Mine in Alaska is the wrong mine in the wrong place. The people who depend on a healthy Bristol Bay for their livelihoods and way of life have been emphatic on that point. As have hundreds of thousands of Americans. Repeatedly.
As proposed, the Pebble Mine would destroy thousands of acres of wetlands and miles of salmon streams. It would include a 1-mile-wide and one-third-of-a-mile deep pit and construct massive tailings storage facilities, treatment ponds, and dams and embankments and build a 270-megawatt power plant.
But today the threat is more urgent than ever. We need your help stopping Pebble right now by insisting that the US Army Corps of Engineers reject Pebble's plan to extract the first 1.5 billion tons of its nearly 11-billion-ton deposit. If developed, the mine and supporting infrastructure would run continuously for 24 years, and (according to the current plan) could continue for generations.
Sign our petition to stop the Pebble Mine. We only have until July 1 to convince the US Army Corps of Engineers to reject the mine.
To US Army Corps of Engineers:
Please reject the recently released highly flawed and incomplete Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that includes the "preferred alternative" for the development of the mine.
As proposed, the Pebble Mine would destroy thousands of acres of wetlands and miles of salmon streams. It would include a 1-mile-wide and one-third-of-a-mile deep pit and construct massive tailings storage facilities, treatment ponds, and dams and embankments and build a 270-megawatt power plant.
The Pebble Mine — which would sit at the headwaters of two of Bristol Bay's most productive salmon producing river systems — threatens a region that depends on clean water and intact ecosystems that support its iconic wildlife, 14,000+ seafood industry jobs, a world-class sport fishing sector, unmatched tourism opportunities, and vibrant local cultures.
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