Currently the NJ Transit Riverline does not have a policy in place that requires them to notify the Local Police, Animal Control or the Local Animal Shelter when an accident involving the Riverline and a Domestic animal takes place! What does this mean to you? If you are a pet owner and your beloved pet has an unfortunate fate involving the NJ Transit Riverline they do not have any policies or requirements to contact the local Police, Animal Control or local Animal Shelter! If your pet is wearing a collar they may completely ignore it! As of today the only thing the Riverline does upon notification of an accident involving a Riverline train and an animal, is to remove them from the tracks! So while you are spending countless hours and days searching for your missing beloved pet worrying what may have happened to them, the Riverline may have complete knowledge of the whereabouts of your missing pet! And, according to their current policy they do not have to let you know or the local authorities or shelters! The corporate office of the Riverline may even lie to you if you contact them inquiring if any Domestic animals have been involved in an accident with the train! If that is completely appalling to you and you want to stand up and make a change and fight to get those immoral policies and practices in place that the NJ Transit Riverline implement when dealing with accidents involving the Riverline and Domestic Animals. Sign this petition, call the NJ Riverline, the NJ Governor Phil Murphy and NJ congressman and tell them you will not stand for these immoral, cruel and unsympathetic policies and practices the NJ transit Riverline have in place dealing with accidents involving the Riverline and Domestic Animals! What changes can be made by NJ transit Riverline upon dealing with an accident involving the Riverline and Domestic Animals? First, If the animal involved has a collar with any information, that information needs to be recorded! Also, the NJ Riverline needs to immediately contact the local Police department and Local Animal Shelter and inform them of the accident involving the Riverline and Domestic animal! During that call any information recorded from tags must be divulged to the Police and Shelter as well as a description of the animal/animals involved! To do this will cost NJ Transit Riverline nothing! It's simply recorded information, a description and 2 phone calls! I don't think that is unreasonable and it will help bring closure to a family missing their beloved pet! If you live in a neighborhood that the NJ Transit Riverline runs through and you have a beloved pet or if you are just a human being that believes in doing the right thing sign this petition and share this information and lets get NJ Transit Riverline to change it's policies and procedures currently implemented dealing with accidents involving Domestic Animals!