Shut Down Wildlife Services' Killing Machine

America's deadliest government program, USDA's Wildlife Services, slaughters a staggering amount of wildlife. Even endangered species and pets are sometimes caught in their death traps — so-called collateral damage.
The rogue agency killed nearly 1.5 million native animals last year, among them 357 gray wolves, 338 black bears, 1,002 bobcats, 375 mountain lions, 3,349 foxes, 22,521 beavers and 68,186 coyotes — mostly at the behest of the agriculture industry.
Wildlife Services doesn't just kill millions of animals, it uses cruel methods to do so: body-crushing traps, poison and aerial gunning. We can't and won't let this war on animals continue.
The feds need to get out of the wildlife-slaughter business. We can't tolerate the purposeful, mass killing of wildlife.
For years the Center for Biological Diversity has been battling Wildlife Services. We've already shut Wildlife Services out of Shasta County, Calif., where 35,000 animals per year were being ruthlessly slaughtered. We helped secure a ban on the targeting of beavers, minks, muskrats and otters by Wildlife Services in Oregon, saving hundreds of animals a year. We stopped Wildlife Services from using deadly cyanide poison traps in several states, including Idaho.
But there's still a long way to go, and we need your help.
Our government needs to end this appalling extermination regime. Sign our petition today.
I oppose USDA's Wildlife Services indiscriminate and cruel killing of wildlife. Millions of animals die each year at the hands of this rogue agency.
There is no reason or excuse for Wildlife Services to be killing animals — especially when non-lethal methods are more effective at managing conflicts. Endangered species and even household pets are sometimes killed by traps or methods used by Wildlife Services. All of these deaths could be avoided if Wildlife Services stopped doing favors for the agricultural industry and stopped killing animals.
Wolves, black bears, bobcats, lions, foxes, beavers and coyotes are all caught in Wildlife Services' crosshairs each year. Taxpayers want to see their money used to protect wildlife, not spent on gunning down animals from helicopters or setting inhumane poison traps.
The government should never be in the business of killing wildlife.
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