Free Our Dog Jax!!!

Hi friends, this is a picture of Jaxson, our family's two year old German Sheppard. He's a sweet, playful and loving boy. Unfortunately last weekend, Jax opened the gate and was able to get out.

He was laying on our front yard along with our Yorkie when the neighbor, who had been standing outside his house along with some friends, walked up to our drive way and approached Jax. My dog jumped on the neighbor and scratched/bit him trying to protect our home. Jax was on our front yard, he did not wander over to hurt the neighbor or any other person, he remained on our property.

Jax has been around many people, including children and strangers, and has never demonstrated such behavior or acted in a vicious manner. Our neighbor has testified that Jax did not seriously harm him, he didn't not need medical attention and does not want our dog put down. And still the "offical" for visalia animal services has deemed him a vicious dog and has ordered him to be killed "euthanized" even though this was his only incident of him hurting any person or even acting aggressively towards someone.

We are all heart broken. We are willing to do anything to save our dog, including rehabilitation classes and extensive training.

We just want them to give our boy Jax a second chance. Please share this post.

We will be appealing this decision in court and any letters in support could help. Thank you! Also, we are not being allowed to see our dog - only through two fences. We have seen that Jax has an injury to his left leg, which he did not have before, we are not being allowed to see him or treat his leg. All we ask is to bring him home so we can help and care for him. Please help us stop Jax from being put down. Share and sign this petition in support of Jax!! 

Update #26 years ago
Thank you all so much for the support in this tough time! We have hired an amazing attorney, Marla Tauscher, the same attorney that handled pitbull Armanis case,( Change needs to happen in visalia animal services and our attorney is aware of this and is willing to help. Help us bring change and save other innocent dogs
Update #16 years ago
WOW!! the support we have received in the last 48 hourshas been incredible! Thank you all so much from the very bottom of our hearts, we appreciate all the support and love you are sending our way. Many people have reached out and told us they went through the SAME situation with Visalia animal services. We love our boy Jax and we're willing to do anything to get him back. Ive set up a gofundme to help with us with legal fees.
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