Tell U.S. Congress: Don’t Cut Lifesaving Funding

For every $1 invested in building global resilience, the U.S. can save up to $7 in future humanitarian response. So, why would we cut funding that can save lives and save money in the future?

When the U.S. invests dollars in development assistance, it becomes a down payment today for peace and global stability later.

This type of aid supports the everyday essentials women and girls around the world need not just to survive but thrive - access to nutritious food and clean water, reliable health care, education, financial tools, and more. And when we invest in women and girls, entry communities thrive.

Tell your elected officials in the U.S. Congress to fight for robust Development Assistance funding that promotes stronger, healthier communities everywhere.
As a CARE Action advocate, I am reaching out to you today because I care deeply about smart U.S. investments that build peace and global stability for all, especially women and girls.

That's why I'm urging you to include $4.77 billion for Development Assistance in the FY25 State and Foreign Operations appropriations bill to promote economic growth and welfare in developing countries, empower communities, and create a more stable world.

The U.S. Government has invested significantly in humanitarian assistance over the past five years, but without equal investments in development assistance, we are simply putting a band-aid on an open wound.

With a global hunger crisis raging, extreme poverty rising, and extreme weather events affecting all of us, investments in resilient communities are more critical than ever. We know that every $1 invested in building resilience saves $7 in future humanitarian response.

Please support $4.77 billion for Development Assistance in the FY25 appropriations process. If funded at that amount, Development Assistance would equal just one-tenth of one percent of the entire federal budget, yet would have innumerable benefits. As your constituent who cares deeply about promoting the economic growth and welfare of vulnerable communities, I believe this funding is crucial for helping not only women and girls, but entire communities thrive.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your support for robust development funding this year.
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