Petition To Deport " Hanoi " Jane Fonda

This petition calls for a criminal investigation to be opened into the acts of treason committed by Jane Fonda while in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

This petition calls for a criminal investigation of " Hanoi " Jane Fonda on the charges of treason and aiding the enemy during her time spent in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

We, the undersigned, consider her ongoing reluctance to admit to any wrongdoing as a slap in the face of every veteran or uniformed serviceperson who has had the distinct honor and privilege of being in the armed services of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 

Her actions in betraying the trust of American POW's cost the lives of at least three of them in subsequent beatings they recieved after trying to pass along their social security numbers to her while she toured their prison camp.

For this reason and many others, her name will live on in infamy as the worst female traitor in the history of the UNITED STATES.

In conclusion, regardless of her so called status in society or other claims of rights of any kind, we find that she has turned her back on the founding principles of faith, honor and trust that have become the hallmarks of good citizenship in this country. She has turned her back on the Armed Services of the United States, and it is time that we return that favor in kind.

It is time, therefore, to show " Hanoi " Jane Fonda the door and revoke her citizenship along with any rights to step foot in this country again. It is a more than fair price to pay for her blatant betrayal of her fellow countrymen in their obvious hour of dire need.



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