Pledge to never take a selfie with an otter at cruel pet cafés

Recently, 'Instagram-famous' pet otters have fuelled a massive 'otter craze' in Japan. Hoping to cash in on the hype, a number of otter cafés have emerged across the country. While these cafés might seem like harmless fun, these otters are captured, mistreated, and exploited behind closed doors — just for a like on Instagram.
To make matters worse, this trend is contributing to the rapid endangerment of the species. Join us and thousands more who have taken the pledge to never take a selfie at an otter café.
A recent World Animal Protection investigation of these cafés uncovered undeniable mistreatment of otters who lacked proper nutrition, access to water and enrichment, and were seen in evident distress.
Before otters are subjected to isolation and improper care at these cafés, they are ripped away from their parents as young cubs – sometimes before they are old enough to open their eyes. To bypass the otter cubs' fiercely protective parents, captors often kill adult otters or smoke out their dens.
Otters are already threatened by trapping for fur and traditional medicine, pollution, and habitat loss. Trendy selfies at these cafés are only expediting their endangerment, and subjecting otters to unnecessary cruelty in the process.
Every selfie with an otter captures a life of cruelty. Sign the wildlife selfie code pledge today to show that you refuse to take and share otter selfies!
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