Save Spots with Synthetic Furs!

In southern Africa, as many as 800 leopards are harvested each year to supply the demand for their furs. With fewer than 5,000 leopards remaining in South Africa, this illicit trade poses a significant threat to their survival. Many leopards are harvested so their coveted furs can be used in ceremonial regalia by cultural and religious groups that revere the species. One such group is the Nazareth Baptist Church eBuhleni, commonly known as Shembe Church. After discovering that Shembe followers were using as many as 15,000 leopard furs during religious gatherings, Panthera, in partnership with the leadership of the Shembe Church, initiated Furs for Life in 2013.
Working with the Shembe community and graphic designers, Panthera created high-quality and affordable synthetic leopard fur cape or amambatha known as Heritage Furs. More than 18,500 capes have already been distributed to the Shembe Church with support from Peace Parks Foundation and Cartier.
Thanks to the pioneering efforts of the Shembe leaders, affordable synthetic furs are gaining increased acceptance as viable alternatives to authentic leopard furs. Panthera's research indicates that the project has significantly reduced demand for and acquisition of authentic furs, potentially preventing hundreds of leopard deaths each year.
Sign now to join Panthera and help us protect Africa's leopards. With your support, we save countless leopard's lives with the production of synthetic fur.
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