Stop Disney From "Retiring" Three Dolphins to Another Entertainment Park Instead of a Sanctuary

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Walt Disney World Resort Leadership

While Disney announced plans to retire three beloved dolphins from an EPCOT attraction, the seemingly good news hides the dark reality. Rainier, Calvin, and Malabar are being sent to Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park, where they will continue to be forced to work in entertainment and shows. While Disney wanted us to think this was a step toward more ethical treatment, this so-called "retirement" merely changes the venue of exploitation.

Sign this petition to urge Disney to reevaluate and send these dolphins to a true sanctuary, not another entertainment park.

In the wild, dolphins are sophisticated social creatures and can travel up to 60 miles per day. The stark contrast of life in captivity working for food is overwhelmingly depressing and understimulating, leading to a life of stress and boredom. Captivity gets so frustrating that some dolphins even require antidepressants.

It's ironic that Disney, a champion of magical and humane storytelling, is choosing a path that still profits from these intelligent creatures under the guise of conservation. This does not align with the growing public demand for genuinely ethical treatment of animals. Let's hold Disney accountable and push for a future where animal welfare comes before commercial gain.

Join us in demanding that Disney truly honor its commitment to animal care by ensuring these dolphins are retired to a sanctuary where their needs come first. Sign now to make a difference!

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