Outrageous Court Ruling Blames Breonna Taylor's Boyfriend for Her Death. Stand With Her Family!

More than four years after the tragic killing of Breonna Taylor, a recent court ruling has shockingly placed the legal responsibility for her death on her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker. This decision seems to ignore the critical misconduct by the officers involved – including the fact that officers falsified the warrant that led to Breonna Taylor's death. This ruling clearly shows the continued disregard for Black lives within the American judicial system.

Sign the petition to stand with Breonna Taylor's family as they continue their pursuit of justice!

Breonna's death, which occurred just before the global outcry following George Floyd's murder, sparked widespread protests and demands for police reform. Yet, despite these calls for change, the judicial system has failed to hold accountable those responsible for her death.

The decision to absolve officers who falsified the warrant that led to the fatal raid is unacceptable. The fact that the blame was placed on Kenneth Walker for rightfully defending his home from what he thought were burglars, is a painful reminder of the clear systemic issues plaguing our justice system.

It's time to raise our voices louder than ever to ensure that the systems meant to protect us do not continue to fail us. Let us honor Breonna's memory by standing firm in our demand for justice and systemic reform.

Sign this pledge to stand with Breonna Taylor's family and affirm your commitment to justice!

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