Don't pass a budget that includes drilling in the Arctic Refuge!

Right now, Big Oil allies in Congress are hijacking the budget process by forcing through a controversial bill to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Congress is rushing to pass this budget, so it's urgent that we raise our voices today.
Refuge drilling has nothing to do with budget numbers or tax reform and everything to do with lining the pockets of oil companies.
The Arctic Refuge is one of our nation's most wild and iconic landscapes. This remote wilderness area is where polar bears, caribou and countless migratory birds raise their young. It has sustained the Gwich’in people for thousands of years and protecting it is vital to preserving their way of life.
The majority of Americans are strongly opposed to drilling in the Arctic Refuge. These public lands belong to all of us.
For nearly 30 years, we have stood together to protect the Refuge. We must not stop now.
Urge Congress to vote against any budget that supports Arctic Refuge drilling.
Dear Senators and Representative,
Please represent the interests of American people, who strongly support Refuge protections, and vote against any budget that supports oil drilling in this wildlife nursery.
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