Subject line: Adopt Regulations that Will Protect Endangered Right Whales
Dear Assistant Administrator Oliver,
Entanglements in commercial fishing gear are one of two major threats to right whale populations. As a result, more right whales are dying than are born each year.
Technology exists to catch lobsters and crabs using lines that do not fatally entangle whales without having a serious economic impact on the fishery.
We need regulations to limit the number of lines used in lobster and crab trap fishing in the Northeastern U.S., this will reduce the risk of death and injury to female right whales who are declining faster than males.
At a minimum, I urge you to adopt the recommendations of the Right Whale Take Reduction Team, and provide additional funding for right whale population surveys and gear research.
[Your Comment]
The 400 remaining North Atlantic right whales are at risk of extinction and we need to act now while there is still time.
Thank you,
[Your Name]