Prevent Legalized Murder of Abortion Doctors in South Dakota

  • by:
  • recipient: South Dakota Legislators

Update: South Dakota legislators have changed the language to state that only the pregnant woman herself can justifiably use force to protect her fetus. Previously, the bill gave this right to spouses, relatives, and any other person with connections to the woman. We still oppose this bill because it adds unnecessary language to justifiable homicide laws. Jensen is attempting to give the fetus the same rights as a person, which is a step towards taking away a woman's right to choose.

State Representative Phil Jensen has introduced a bill that expands the definition of justifiable homicide to include killing abortion doctors.

It cannot be made more clear -- the South Dakota legislature is proposing a bill to call murder "justifiable" if someone is "attempting to harm" the fetus of anyone associated with that person. Including a doctor, performing a legal and wanted abortion on a woman who has given her consent.

This makes it legal to go into any women's health clinic or hospital and shoot anyone providing assistance in an abortion, if you have a relationship with the woman who is having the procedure.

South Dakota is legislating murder. Isn't murder what anti-abortion activists are supposed to be trying to stop?

Dear [Decision Maker],

I urge you to prevent House Bill 1171 from passing! This bill, proposed by state Rep. Phil Jensen, would make unnecessary changes to the justifiable homicide law.

Women already have the right to defend themselves against violence. By adding this language, Jensen is attempting to give the fetus the same rights as a person, which sets a precedent to interpret abortion as murder. This bill is a step towards taking away a woman's right to choose.

Please do not let Representative Jensen proceed with plans to eliminate the rights of women in the state of South Dakota.

I urge you to vote against House Bill 1171.

[Your Name Here]
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