Performing Elephants are Suffering. End the Vile Slave Trade Now!

The international slave trade is alive and well – and we need your help to end it!
ARM investigators entered into Jaipur, India, to document the abuse behind its extravagant elephant rides that are offered as tourist attractions and transportation. After seeing this cruelty, we couldn't just turn a blind eye:
• Back-Breaking Abuse: Greedy "businessmen" in Jaipur, India have enslaved thousands of elephants. They're forced to carry up to 900 tourists per day!
• Medieval Torture: Victims are crammed in tiny 10'x10' prison cells and shackled in chains with painful spikes that tear into their legs.
• Extremely Urgent: Elephant capture deaths are escalating at an alarming rate.
Just imagine: every night she's whipped by her master who shouts orders to perform.
Holes are drilled into her tusks to hang jewelry for the tourists. She's denied water even in the scorching Indian heat.
We'll continue to expose this despicable exploitation. But we need your help to compel the local Indian government and tourism agencies to stop promoting the abuse.
Sign the petition: end the vile elephant slave trade and demand authorities prosecute the abusers!
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