Stop Trump's Latest Attack on the Endangered Species Act!

Since President Trump took office his administration and Congress have launched over a hundred attacks on the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
The ESA protects endangered and threatened wildlife such as bald eagles, grizzly bears, African lions, and elephants. The law is very successful in meeting this goal: the ESA has saved more than 99 percent of listed species from going extinct. The American public widely supports this bedrock environmental law. In fact 90 percent of Americans, including 82 percent of self-described conservatives, support upholding the ESA.
However, despite the ESA's success and popularity, this administration and Congress has fought constantly to decimate it.
On July 19, the Trump administration dealt the latest body blow to the ESA and vulnerable wildlife by proposing the biggest rollback to the law by any administration in decades. The proposed changes would weaken the ESA by making it harder to secure federal protections for endangered and threatened species, while also making it easier to remove species from the ESA.
Keeping the ESA protections is critical to saving threatened and endangered animals from extinction.
Sign the petition and stand with the Humane Society Legislative Fund to defend the Endangered Species Act!
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