Dear Minister Majcen,
Please stop Hrastje-Mota and the seven other hydropower dams planned on the Mura. Damming the Mura, and consequently transforming the river into eight lifeless reservoirs, goes against the Slovenian Government's commitment to ensure international protection of the area.
This stunning river landscape hosts amazing levels of biological diversity and rare natural habitats. Large floodplain forests, river islands, gravel and sand banks, side branches and oxbows are home to white-tailed eagles and other endangered species such as the little tern, black stork, beaver, otter, and ship sturgeon.
In addition to high levels of biodiversity, the river and floodplain areas are vital to surrounding communities. Local fishermen rely upon the fish populations for their livelihoods. The extensive floodplains lower the risks from floods, secure favorable groundwater conditions and self-purification of water which is essential for drinking water, forests and agriculture.
The environmental impact assessment report on the first planned dam at Hrastje-Mota concludes that the dam would have harmful impacts on nature. Moving forward with these planned dams would have damaging effects on the environment, wildlife, and local livelihoods that depend on a healthy Mura. Please keep the Mura healthy and flowing, and stop the dams.
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