Tell Adidas: Stop the Slaughter of Kangaroos for Soccer Shoes!

Animal Wellness Action is working to stop the commercial killing of roughly two million wild kangaroos annually, mainly to manufacture soccer cleats.
Since the launch of our Kangaroos Are Not Shoes campaign in 2020, four of the five biggest global athletic-shoe brands have pledged to stop sourcing kangaroo skins for athletic shoes: New Balance and Nike, based in the United States; Puma, headquartered in Germany; and Diadora, located in Italy.
Adidas remains the outlier among the five big names. Among all the major athletic-shot brands, Adidas has for decades been the biggest corporate apologist and advocate for kangaroo slaughter — lobbying, politicking, and stonewalling to keep the annual body count high.
What's been the consequence of making soccer cleats with kangaroo skins? Last year, commercial shooters killed more than 1 million adult kangaroos in their native habitats in Australia. Then, add in at least 300,000 joeys — orphans unable to survive without their moms — as collateral damage.
When will Adidas finally divorce itself from the mass killings of animals who need their skins much more than the company ever has?
The Kangaroo Protection Act would forbid trade in kangaroo parts in the United States. It would close off one of the world's biggest markets for kangaroo parts and go a long way to stopping the slaughter in the Outback.
Sign this petition and urge Adidas to stop the slaughter of kangaroos for soccer cleats!
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