A passerby on the Oahu island in Hawaii spotted a man
burying a live dog on the beach and called authorities immediately. As it turns out, Leialoha the dog had been cut with a machete and then buried alive on th beach. Luckily, she was rescued and survived, but her abuser is still at large.
Sign on to tell Hawaiian authorities to take this heinous abuse seriously and find the responsible person.Leialoha barely survived her ordeal, when she was found she was missing 90% of her fur and was bleeding from most of her body. Her front paw had also been slashed with what looked like a machete. Then, when she was in all that pain, fighting to stay alive, her captor buried her in the sand, ensuring a slow and painful death. Thank goodness someone was passing by and saw the act and Leialoha was rescued.
But that means that the person who did this to her is still free to harm another animal, or worse, a human. We know there is a strong link between animal abuse and human abuse and if that's not enough reason to catch this predator, I don't know what is.
Sweet Leialoha is being cared for by a loving family and is slowly recovering.
But we need your help to demand authorities take this crime seriously and find the responsible person.