End Forced Taxpayer Funding for Painful Animal Experiments

I regret to inform you that your paycheck is being docked… for ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS!
You see, the world's biggest funder of animal experimentation isn't big cosmetics companies. It's not big pharmaceuticals companies, either. It's YOU!
Every year, taxpayers are forced to pay $20 billion — that's BILLION, with a "B" — whether you like it or not:
… kittens crippled, asphyxiated, and de-brained (Dept. of Veterans Affairs)
… puppies forced to run on treadmills in heart attack experiments (also the VA)
… baby monkeys deprived of water, restrained, and addicted to street drugs (NIH)
And when the taxpayer-funded torture is done, the survivors are slaughtered and incinerated like garbage.
If you did this to a beagle in your own home, you'd go to jail. But if you did it inside a government lab, you'd cash a big check.
No anesthesia. No pain relief. Painful primate experiments are already up 370% in the USA. Now Newsweek is reporting that NIH is hiking spending in foreign labs like Russia and China!
Tell Congress: taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion to cut apart, electroshock, poison, gas, and burn alive animals.
Sign our petition: end forced taxpayer funding for painful animal experiments at home… and abroad!
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