Faux Fur made in China is not faux. NO DEMAND = NO SUPPLY!
- by: Monica G
- recipient: Ji Xinping, multiple clothing retailers and Animal Welfare Groups
To Joann Fabrics, Uggs, Dillard’s, Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, Amazon, A-List/Kitson, Barneys, Belk, Bluefly, Century 21 Department Stores, Eminent/Revolve, Gilt, Kohl’s, La Garconne, Mia Belle Baby, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Ross, Ruelala, Searle and Stein Mart. Pierre Grzybowski, Fabric Depot, informationvine.com, Ala Moana:
People who oppose fur buy it accidentally because some clothing manufacturers and sellers are mislabeling it as “faux fur.” I unknowingly bought a vest from REI many years ago that I now know is not “faux”. Much of retailed “faux fur” is from raccoon dogs and domestic cats and dogs stolen from pet owners. Both manufacturers and sellers know that consumers are less likely to buy fur if they think it came from a dog or cat, so they say it didn’t. How do you know if your ”faux” fur is real?
Separate the fur and look at the base. Genuine fur usually protrudes from skin or leather, while faux fur has a mesh or threaded backing.
Look at the tips of the hairs. Real animal hairs taper to a fine point unless they have been sheared or cut. Faux fur, on the other hand, typically does not taper at the ends.
Remove a few hairs and hold them with tweezers over a nonflammable surface. Light them with a match or a lighter. Burning animal hair smells like burning human hair. Fake fur, which is commonly made from acrylic or polyester, smells like melting plastic when burned.
I am urgently appealing to you to help lead our local and global communities to end the demand for the supply of clothing sold under the guise of "faux fur". If you are selling any type of "faux fur" lining in your product, you are part of this supply chain perpetrated by ruthless, unregulated Chinese fur traders who profit and exist because you stock your retail inventory with their product. Please view this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMIvhu1EznA (and google other references on “Chinese faux fur”) These images are horrific and haunting and I will not ignore them to make myself feel better.
I am begging you to please remove any of these products from your inventory and make a public commitment about your opposition to participate this trade. I'd like you to become an international leader by boycotting Chinese Faux Fur. I am petitioning China's President, Xi Jinping, the retailers listed above, and several animal welfare activists worldwide in hopes that we can help eradicate this barbaric trade of domestic and wild animals. My goal is to gain one million signatures worldwide for this petition. Please share with as many humans as you can to help this gain momentum 动量. Peace
Update #37 years ago
Please share this petition with as many connections as you can!
Update #27 years ago
Thank you all for your support! I need to change my petition text and signature goals and have been having trouble editing on the sight. PLEASE stand by for a new petition for the same cause and SIGN THIS ONE ALSO. I am trying to do everything I can to make this go viral!
Update #17 years ago
We have almost 800 signatures right now, and I need your HELP in making this petition go viral to reach our 1,000,000 mark! PLEASE share this with specific individuals you know who have a large FB and Twitter following who are willing to help gain momentum here. Time is of the essence. Both manufacturers and sellers know that Americans are less likely to buy fur if they think it came from a dog or cat, so they say it didn’t.
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