Saguaro National Park's large forests of saguaro cacti are home to javelina, coyote, quail, and desert tortoise, and the park includes 190 miles of trails beloved by locals and visitors from around the world. Located adjacent to the growing city of Tucson, open space and the remaining pristine Sonoran Desert land around the park are continually threatened by development. Expanding the park will provide increased public access and improve outdoor recreation opportunities by connecting to the nearby County trails system.
Saguaro National Park is like no other place in the world. The park's awe-inspiring Sonoran Desert landscape, giant cacti, and picturesque sunsets attract more than a million visitors each year. We must do everything we can to protect Saguaro from incompatible development, which is why we are working hard in Washington, D.C, to pass H.R. 7098 — the Saguaro National Park Boundary Expansion and Study Act of 2020. The act would secure 1,150 additional acres for the park, protecting them forever.
Imagine expanding Saguaro National Park at a time when powerful special interests are striking deals to harm and spoil our public lands with drilling, mining, and other development. Please take action now and urge your Representative to pass H.R. 7098 to protect areas adjacent to Saguaro National Park from incompatible development today!