Demand that Owner of Starving Dog that was Tied to Railings and dumped on a Deserted Footpath be Found and Prosecuted.

A Staffie that was tied to railings and dumped on a pathway in woodlands in Middlesbrough has been rescued by the RSPCA.

'Blake' was suffering from mange and a number of infections when he was abandoned in plunging winter temperatures after dark on Monday evening.
Two passers-by found him next to a bridge, tied to railings with blue rope on a pathway known locally as 'Black Path' just behind Sedgemoor Road in the Eston/Normanby area of the town.The men untied the poorly Staffordshire bull terrier and carried him home before calling the RSPCA for help.

Inspector Clare Wilson is now investigating and has urged anyone with information about where Blake may have come from to contact her.
Blake is in a really bad way. He is suffering from eye and ear infections as well as severe mange. His skin is balding and red raw in places. It must be so painful for him.

This kind of infection and fur loss does not just happen over night, this poor boy has been suffering with this for a while - which is why I am hoping someone will recognise him and know where he has come from.
When he was picked up by the men they took him home and fed him. They said he was ravenous and ate two large bowls of dog food and drank a vast amount of water straight away. He still drank and ate more after I took him to the vets too so we can only imagine how long he has gone hungry for.

He's got extensive hair loss which we suspect is caused by mange and it is obvious due to the thickening of the skin that this has been going on for a long time. He was obviously very itchy and in pain. He is also very underweight, has eye and ear infections, very bad teeth and long nails.

Despite this he is a lovely friendly dog. He is an entire male and the vet thinks he is somewhere between four and six years old.
Thankfully, Blake is now at the vets and he is being treated for his many health problems. It will be a long road but I am sure he will make a full recovery and will find the loving new home that he deserves.

It is shocking that anyone would let a dog get in to this state - let alone heartlessly tying him up in the dark on a wooded footpath in freezing temperatures. They had no idea if anyone would find him. Thankfully they did.

I would like to appeal for anyone who saw or caught anyone on camera with a dog matching this description or recognises this dog and knows where he lived or his owner's name before he was dumped to get in contact as soon as possible."

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